Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good dreams are the way to start a day. The physical touch - it is just skin contact yet it is so amazing for it evokes so. much. emotion. So comforting. All I remember are emotions, feelings and visuals from my dreams.

Reading responses that makes the world feel like a better place, and sending messages about it are also good ways to start a day. When in an argument with someone you care about, first listen to what s/he has got to say, and where s/he is coming from. Arguing about who's right and who's wrong comes second to stepping back to think about any mistakes you've made, not just regarding the main issue. (eg. whatever you did to cause a misunderstanding, tone of speech) Because you'd want to remember the people you care about on your last day on earth, not the number of arguments you've won (and causing tension during the process)

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